Monday, May 9, 2011

My Every Day Can't Live with Out Items

I love this thing easy to use and easy to travel with. Stays on all day with out any touch ups.

Primer is a must for everyone. I like this light weight primer the beauty trick is to clean your face at night put on your moisturizer then your primer. Thats correct primer your face, sleep with it on you will wake up to a beautiful matte finish in the am that will last all day.

I fly a lot through out the year and would always end up sick. Im a big beleiver in vitamins and Ester C is one of them I take everyday. Now I don't get sick when I fly or in the winter. Also I drink 3 liters of water every day to keep hydrated.

I wear this everyday and people stop and ask me what is it I'm wearing. Its a great happy medium of a girl and boy perfume.

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